Talking About Stress - A Guide for Managers & Employees

Talking About Stress - A Guide for Managers & Employees

Navigating a conversation about stress at work can be challenging for both employees and managers. This useful guide will equip both managers and staff with the tools they need to feel more comfortable talking about stress.

Managing Stress at Work - Workplace Poster

Managing Stress at Work - Workplace Poster

Most of us experience stress at work. This workplace poster provides helpful strategies to help stop workplace stress in its tracks.

Dealing with Stress - eLearning Course

Dealing with Stress eLearning Course

Stress is undoubtedly a hazard in the workplace. But unlike ‘traditional’ workplace hazards, like frayed wires and boxes in the middle of the aisle, stress is often hard to spot, and so it’s harder to deal with. This free course has been designed to help you cope with this silent killer.

Dealing with Stress Workbook

Dealing with Stress Workbook

This workbook, created to accompany our eLearning course on Dealing with Stress, will help you to understand stress, how it can affect you, and what you can do to combat it.

Mental Health Warning Signs

Mental Health Warning Signs eLearning Course

Being able to spot when a team member is going through a tough time mentally allows you to step in and provide support before things get worse. This bite-size course will help you to spot the warning signs.